Photometer Grade Reagents

Showing 1–12 of 13 results

  • Free Chlorine Reagent 250 Foil (DPD1 Photometer)

    Photometer tablet reagents are available in replacement packs with 250 test tablets
    Keep your tablets up to date to ensure you get an accurate reading
    Easy, Simple and Effective


    Avoid touching the tablets with your fingers as this will lead to inaccurate results.
    Colour matching must be done as soon as the tablets have dissolved in the water sample.
    After each measurement, rinse the testing kit container thoroughly to prevent errors by cross examination.
    Use genuine Palintest test tablets with your Palintest Photometer Test Kit to ensure the most accurate test results are achieved.

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  • Cyanuric Acid 250 Foil

    The Palintest Cyanuric Acid test is based on a single tablet reagent containing melamine and a buffer.
    Cyanuric Acid reacts with melamine in buffered solution to form an insoluble complex.
    At the Cyanuric Acid levels encountered in pool water, this is observed as turbidity in the test sample.
    The degree of turbidity is proportional to the Cyanuric Acid concentration and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

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  • pH Reagent 250 Foil (Phenol Red)

    The Palintest Phenol Red test uses a tablet reagent containing the precise amount of Phenol Red indicator required for the test.
    Phenol Red reacts in water at different pH values over the range 6.8 – 8.4 to produce a distinctive range of colours from yellow to red.
    The colour of the test solution is indicative of the pH value and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

    Phenol Red tablets contain a dechlorinating agent so that the test can be carried out in water containing normal levels of Chlorine or other disinfectant residuals.

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  • Iron (Low Reading)

    The Palintest Iron LR test is based on a single tablet reagent containing 3-(2-Pyridyl)-5, 6-bis(4-phenyl-sulphonic acid)-1,
    2, 4-triazine (PPST) formulated with a decomplexing/reducing agent in an Acid buffer.
    The test is simply carried out by adding a tablet to a sample of the water under test.
    The decomplexing/reducing agent breaks down weakly complexed forms of iron, and converts the iron from the ferric to the ferrous form.
    The ferrous Iron reacts with PPST to form a pink coloration.
    The intensity of the colour produced is proportional to the Iron concentration and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

    Code: AP155

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  • Hydrogen Peroxide 50 Foil

    The Palintest Hydrogen Peroxide HR test provides a simple means of monitoring Hydrogen Peroxide levels in water over the range 0 – 100 mg/L.
    Hydrogen Peroxide reacts with Potassium Iodide under Acid conditions to release Iodine which gives a yellow solution.
    A catalyst is used to speed up the rate of reaction.
    In the Palintest Hydrogen Peroxide HR test, the reagents are provided in the form of two tablets.
    The test is simply carried out by adding one of each tablet to a sample of the water.
    The intensity of the colour produced in the test is proportional to the Hydrogen Peroxide concentration and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

    Code AQ205

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  • Free Copper 50 Foil

    In the Palintest Coppercol method Copper salts are reduced to the cuprous form and then reacted with a 2,2 biquinoline-4,4-dicarboxylic salt to form a purple coloured complex.
    This provides a measure of the free Copper ions present in the sample.
    In the second stage of the test, a decomplexing agent is introduced and this induces a further reaction with any chelated Copper compounds which might be present.
    The reagents are provided in tablet form and the test is simply carried out by adding tablets to a sample of the water.
    The intensity of colour produced in the test is proportional to the Copper concentrations and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

    Code: AQ287

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  • Iron (High Reading)

    The Palintest Iron HR test is based on a single tablet reagent containing an alkaline thioglycollate.
    The test is carried out simply by adding a tablet to a sample of the water under test.
    The thioglycollate reduces ferric Iron to ferrous Iron and this, together with any ferrous Iron already present in the sample, reacts to give a pink coloration.
    The intensity of the colour produced is proportional to the iron concentration and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

    Code: AQ255

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  • Phosphate LR 40 Foil

    The Palintest Phosphate LR test provides a simple method of measuring phosphate levels over the range 0 – 4 mg/L PO4.
    In the Palintest Phosphate LR method, the phosphate reacts under acid conditions with ammonium molybdate to form phospho-molybdic acid.
    This compound is reduced by ascorbic acid to form the intensely coloured ‘molybdenum blue’ complex.
    A catalyst is incorporated to ensure complete and rapid colour development and an inhibitor is used to prevent interference from silica.
    The reagents are provided in the form of two tablets for maximum convenience. The test is simply carried out by adding one of each tablet to a sample of the water.
    The intensity of the colour produced in the test is proportional to the phosphate concentration, and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

    Code AQ277

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  • Phosphate LR 200 Foil

    The Palintest Phosphate LR test provides a simple method of measuring phosphate levels over the range 0 – 4 mg/L PO4.
    In the Palintest Phosphate LR method, the phosphate reacts under acid conditions with ammonium molybdate to form phospho-molybdic acid.
    This compound is reduced by ascorbic acid to form the intensely coloured ‘molybdenum blue’ complex.
    A catalyst is incorporated to ensure complete and rapid colour development and an inhibitor is used to prevent interference from silica.
    The reagents are provided in the form of two tablets for maximum convenience. The test is simply carried out by adding one of each tablet to a sample of the water.
    The intensity of the colour produced in the test is proportional to the phosphate concentration, and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.


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  • Hydrogen Peroxide 250 Foil

    The Palintest Hydrogen Peroxide HR test provides a simple means of monitoring Hydrogen Peroxide levels in water over the range 0 – 100 mg/L.
    Hydrogen Peroxide reacts with Potassium Iodide under Acid conditions to release Iodine which gives a yellow solution.
    A catalyst is used to speed up the rate of reaction.
    In the Palintest Hydrogen Peroxide HR test, the reagents are provided in the form of two tablets.
    The test is simply carried out by adding one of each tablet to a sample of the water.
    The intensity of the colour produced in the test is proportional to the Hydrogen Peroxide concentration and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

    Code: AP105

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  • Free Copper 250 Foil

    In the Palintest Coppercol method Copper salts are reduced to the cuprous form and then reacted with a 2,2 biquinoline-4,4-dicarboxylic salt to form a purple coloured complex.
    This provides a measure of the free Copper ions present in the sample.
    In the second stage of the test, a decomplexing agent is introduced and this induces a further reaction with any chelated Copper compounds which might be present.
    The reagents are provided in tablet form and the test is simply carried out by adding tablets to a sample of the water.
    The intensity of colour produced in the test is proportional to the Copper concentrations and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

    Code AP187

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  • Total Alkalinity Reagent (Alkaphot)

    The Palintest Alkaphot test is based on a unique colorimetric method and uses a single tablet reagent.
    The test is simply carried out by adding a tablet to a sample of the water.
    Under the conditions of the test, a distinctive range of colours from yellow, through green, to blue is produced over the Alkalinity range 0 – 500 mg/L CaCO3.
    The colour produced in the test is indicative of the Alkalinity of the water and is measured using a Palintest Photometer.

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